Ah, the holidays, that time of year we go without rest, raise the stress, overly ingest and financially regress to enjoy the peace and joy of the season. To warm your hearts amidst the chaos, the Metis family is bringing you regular reminders of why we do it – and that means holiday photo essays of our pets!
Happy holidays and season’s greetings from Kodiak Fawcett, a 6-year-old chocolate lab, whose Christmas wish list includes tennis balls, plenty of swimming and crisp, cool weather to run for miles and miles with his humans.
Kodiak particularly loves Christmas because his humans take him to Northern Virginia, which is typically colder than his native North Carolina and, like most Kodiak bears, he really thrives (and runs much faster) in the frosty air. He also gets to see his extended human family and canine cousins and run around in the woods and chase deer.
Kodiak’s New Year’s resolutions include running more, swimming more, cuddling more with mom (Metis’ Caroline Curran, health and tech PR) and dad. And, he says he’ll be nicer to the neighborhood cats, who he often chases into sewers.
P.S. We’re not sure about him sticking to the last one, but he promises to try.
Learn more about our team (the humans behind Metis, that is) here.