
How to work from home like a Metis maverick

Last year, I moved to a new city, 1,000 miles from my old one. Since then, I’ve learned to make a few adjustments. I bike as a primary mode of transportation again, since Nashville’s public transit options are limited; I appreciate the community aspects of Southern culture; I’ve had moments when I feel more like a New England native than ever before. I’ve also adapted to become a worker without borders (WWB) on the Metis team.

Remote working is far from a passing trend. It’s been a part of the Metis culture since the company was founded in 2005, and in 2013 the Wall Street Journal reported that approximately 13.4 million U.S. workers labored at least one day at home per week, resulting in lower costs and higher productivity rates for their companies. If asked my thoughts on life as a WWB, my answer is almost always the same – I love it, but you need a dedicated space for it.

Whether it’s a corner of your apartment or an entire room in your home, when you’re treating part of your living space as an office, you need to consider it your place of work and set it up so you can focus. When I leave my desk for the day, I feel like I’m commuting home, even though I’m usually just headed downstairs to make dinner.

Metis WWBs are located in Massachusetts, California, New York, North Carolina, Georgia and Tennessee, but every Metis team member has the option to work from home on Fridays, and her flexibility grows as her tenure with the company increases. Below is a peek into some of the satellite offices where we’re holding down the fort from afar.

Can you guess which space belongs to each team member?


