Integrated PR Campaign Leads to Successful Product Launch
27 PIECES of coverage across business, tech and trade publications, including Forbes, TechRepublic, SiliconANGLE, Network World and CMSwire
2,100+ SHARES of launch coverage on social media reaching a potential
audience of 12.8 million users
6,000 SIGN-UPS
within the first month
REVIEWS comparing Datto
Drive to other incumbents like
Dropbox and Box
A leader in business continuity and disaster recovery, Datto wanted to extend its file backup expertise to file sync-and-share (FSS) services with its Datto Drive solution to reach new small businesses and provide partners with a brand-new revenue stream and lead generator.
Since FSS was a new offering for Datto and was targeted to a new audience, the team needed to establish press relationships and create content to address common questions and objections from FSS industry experts and prospects.
Metis leveraged its relationships with industry press to generate publicity among tech and SMB influencers, attracting Datto Drive product signups despite a crowded FSS market. Metis supported the media efforts by recommending new, impactful marketing materials and advising on social media advertising opportunities to encourage additional signups and conversions.